What causes varicose veins?

They are due to weakness in the wall of the vein leading to laxity of the wall. Once the walls are lax they lead to ballooning. This causes the valves to be separated leading to varicose veins. It is purely mechanical. Naturally when we stand due to the pull of gravity more pooling occurs leading to worsening of the situation and making veins more prominent. They collapse on lying because there is no gravity acting.

Are varicose veins dangerous?

Varicose veins are not dangerous but are cosmetically ugly. However their complications cause increased mobility.

  • Bleeding — this may be profuse from the superficial veins and may happen at random. Should this happen then do not panic. Just put pressure at that spot of bleeding and elevate the leg. Once stopped tie a pressure bandage and consult a vascular surgeon.
  • Venous ulcers — They will never heal till the veins are sorted out. Once veins are treated surgically the ulcers may heal spontaneously or need skin grafting.
  • Superficial thrombophlebitis – This is inflammation of the dilated vein and is very painful and tender. It needs treatment which is conservative and once settled would need surgical correction of the veins before recurrence of the phlebitis occurs.
  • Deep vein Thrombosis. — there is increased incidence of DVT with varicose veins. Once DVT occurs it is mostly a contraindication for varicose veins surgery. So it is advised to not delay varicose veins because they are not giving problems because if DVT happens then may be surgery would not be possible even if you develop ulcers. Now a days endo-venous dilatation and stenting of DVT is possible but the results are sketchy.

Other complications like discolouration, itching pain and swelling are just discomforts.

How to cure varicose veins?

Curative treatment of varicose veins is only Surgical. Yes it can be suppressed by conservative non-surgical treatment.

Conservative treatment is mechanical with leg elevation and graded elastic compression stockings. When one elevates the leg gravity no longer works on it thus collapsing the veins, thus giving relief from pain, swelling and heaviness. Elevation has to be done right through the night and also during the day when one is not mobile (elevate legs on a stool while sitting). Stockings are to be worn during the day causing mechanical compression and thus relieving pain, swelling and heaviness. This is only suppression and not curative.

Surgical treatment is the only curative treatment. The advantages of this are:

  • It is curative
  • It is quick – both legs taking about an hour and a half
  • No scars
  • One day hospital stay or a day case
  • Back to work in a day or two
  • Minimal complications

The procedure involves RFA or Laser along with sclerotherapy. It is the standard treatment all over the world. To view the procedure you will have to see my video (link).

Can varicose veins be cured?

Curative treatment of varicose veins is only Surgical. Yes it can be suppressed by conservative non-surgical treatment.

Conservative treatment is mechanical with leg elevation and graded elastic compression stockings. When one elevates the leg gravity no longer works on it thus collapsing the veins, thus giving relief from pain, swelling and heaviness. Elevation has to be done right through the night and also during the day when one is not mobile (elevate legs on a stool while sitting). Stockings are to be worn during the day causing mechanical compression and thus relieving pain, swelling and heaviness. This is only suppression and not curative.

Surgical treatment is the only curative treatment. The advantages of this are:

  • It is curative
  • It is quick – both legs taking about an hour and a half
  • No scars
  • One day hospital stay or a day case
  • Back to work in a day or two
  • Minimal complications

The procedure involves RFA or Laser along with sclerotherapy. It is the standard treatment all over the world. To view the procedure you will have to see my video (link).

What is the treatment of varicose veins?

Curative treatment of varicose veins is only Surgical. Yes it can be suppressed by conservative non-surgical treatment.

Conservative treatment is mechanical with leg elevation and graded elastic compression stockings. When one elevates the leg gravity no longer works on it thus collapsing the veins, thus giving relief from pain, swelling and heaviness. Elevation has to be done right through the night and also during the day when one is not mobile (elevate legs on a stool while sitting). Stockings are to be worn during the day causing mechanical compression and thus relieving pain, swelling and heaviness. This is only suppression and not curative.

Surgical treatment is the only curative treatment. The advantages of this are:

  • It is curative
  • It is quick – both legs taking about an hour and a half
  • No scars
  • One day hospital stay or a day case
  • Back to work in a day or two
  • Minimal complications

The procedure involves RFA or Laser along with sclerotherapy. It is the standard treatment all over the world. To view the procedure you will have to see my video (link).

How to avoid varicose veins?

There is no known way to avoid varicose veins because this is due to weakness of the vein wall. It is stated that it is due to reduced collagen within the vein wall which could be genetic.

So there is no way of avoiding varicose veins but they could be delayed by the practice of leg elevation and compression stockings. This has been discussed in ‘cure of varicose veins’.

Does running make varicose veins worse?

Actually, running can help prevent varicose veins by building the calf pump muscle which improves circulation and blood return.

If there are bulging varicose veins symptoms like swelling, heaviness, pain and leg fatigue may make it difficult to run. Should you still want to run consider the following:

  • Avoid running on hard surfaces
  • Wear compression bandage while running

If your varicose veins are bad, bulging and symptomatic then avoid running but you could continue walking, swimming and other low impact physical activity.

Does yoga improve varicose veins?

It is said yoga cannot prevent or remove the problem of varicose veins but it can help you to reduce the pain and prevent them from progressing as rapidly as they would without yoga.

Walking 30 minutes daily for 5 days in a week helps lessen symptoms but not prevent or remove varicose veins. Similarly elevation and stockings, I have mentioned earlier, will help. There is no exercise which can cure varicose veins.

Massage may help reduce symptoms like swelling and pain but cannot cure varicose veins.

Other non-operative measures to help discomfort from varicose veins  are — excercising, Watching your weight, eating high fibre, low salt diet, Avoiding high heels and tight trousers or jeans, leg elevation and changing your sitting position regualrly.

How to get rid of varicose veins during pregnancy?

Varicose Veins are a harmless part of pregnancy. They are due to the enlarging of the uterus narrowing the soft pelvic veins leading to dilated varicose veins in the legs. They normally settle soon after pregnancy but may cause pain and discomfort, swelling and itching during pregnancy.

They are not at all dangerous during pregnancy. Help yourself by walking, elevating legs while lying or sitting, watching weight, wearing stockings.

During pregnancy blood flow in the legs is sluggish and potentially can cause DVT, though very rare can cause life threatening PE.

Vulvar veins can bleed profusely during labour and precautions have to be taken by the gynaecologist.

Can you tattoo over varicose veins?

Varicose Veins are closer tot he skin surface than normal healthy veins and therefore have a higher risk of puncture by the tattoo artists needle. Also this may lead to infection within the vein which is generally locally contained but could lead to a more dangerous condition like sepsis.

For varicose veins use treatment rather than camouflaging with tattoos.

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